Did you know that your landscape is susceptible to soil erosion? This isn’t always visible as it can occur slowly over time. But some signs can become apparent, such as mud runoff coming from your landscape and exposed roots. To minimize soil erosion, here are some useful methods that may help:

Add a Rain Garden
Rain gardens or plant catchments are one of the best ways to minimize soil erosion, especially during moderate rainfall. A rain garden that’s placed in a strategic position in your landscape can reduce soil erosion by around 30%. For this to be effective, you need to use plants that can help keep the slope of your landscape intact. Make sure that the plants are adapted to your local climate so that they’ll thrive properly in your rain garden. You may also add stones and pebbles to direct the water flow.
Install Ripraps and Barriers
Barriers are effective obstruction devices that slow down or divert water from flowing directly down a slope of your landscape. They’re typically made of buried stone or timbers that are laid in parallel to the slope. Ripraps are also great in slowing down water flow and diverting it elsewhere. However, it may stand out in some types of landscapes because of its appearance.
Use Mulch in Your Landscape
Mulching can be done using locally sourced materials, such as wood chips, gravel, shredded bark, pine needles and even leaves. This is used to cover the spaces between your plants and bare patches of your landscape to keep the soil from eroding during rainfall or overhead watering. Make sure to cover the areas with at least two inches of mulch for it to be effective.
As a reputable residential and commercial contractor, you can trust AQ Roofing LLC to get the job done right! Call us today at (501) 951-1683 or by filling out our convenient online contact form.