When you’re getting some work done on your commercial or residential roofing system, it’s always best that you hire a professional roofer to help you get the job done. That way, mistakes can be minimized, and you can keep yourself safe. However, when you’re hiring roofers, it’s also important that you only hire the best of the best. This is because they tend to make fewer mistakes compared to other, inexperienced roofing contractors.
Here are the four mistakes that expert roofers don’t make.

- Ignoring the Manufacturer’s Guidelines
According to roofing industry experts, some inexperienced roofers have a bad habit of ignoring the manufacturer’s guidelines in favor of using what comes easy to them to get the job done. This can be bad news for the homeowner since ignoring the manufacturer’s guidelines can void the roof’s warranty. Luckily, this is where experienced roofers can help you out as ignoring the guidelines is a mistake they’ll never make.
- Missing the Starter Strips
Starter strips are important when you’re installing new shingles as, without them, your shingles can become vulnerable to blow-off and leaks. Unfortunately, both rookie contractors and DIY homeowners tend to make the mistake of either improperly installing the starter strips or outright avoid using them at all. As such, if you want to avoid your roof from sustaining significant damage early in its lifespan, make it a point to hire an expert roofer to have your new roof installed.
- Not Tearing Off the Old Roof
When you’re having your roof replaced, some inexperienced roofers will simply add the new layer of shingles on top of the old one in an attempt to help the homeowners save money on the labor costs. But what some homeowners fail to realize is that this is a move that can cause their new roof to deteriorate earlier than expected. Laying your new shingles on top of the old ones can cause it to retain heat that bakes your new shingles from the inside. If you hire an expert roofing contractors for the job, however, this is a mistake that they won’t make as they’ll usually act in the best interest of your home and your roof.
- Using Mismatched Shingles
Using mismatched shingles is a mistake that rookie contractors can make when they use multiple dealers and purchase their suppliers from different suppliers. Once they make this mistake for your roof, it can affect your home’s overall look and value. As such, it’s best that you only hire a professional roofer for the job since expert roofers usually have one trusted supplier that they can turn to for their roofing materials.
Looking for an expert residential and commercial roofing contractor to help you replace your roof? Don’t hesitate to approach AQ Roofing LLC. Give us a call at (501) 951-1683, or fill out our contact form to request a quote.