Taking care of an asphalt roof does not always have to be challenging, especially if you’re aware of what needs attention. That said, it’s important to note the different factors that could affect a roof’s longevity and how well a roofing material ages.

Your location and its environment can dramatically affect the aging process of your asphalt roof. Extreme temperatures can be detrimental to this specific material. Outdoor elements — including radiation, moisture and high winds — can speed up roof deterioration.
Even if you utilize top-grade products for your roofing system, it would still be prone to deterioration if it’s not installed correctly. Remember that hiring experienced and reputable roofers for installation and maintenance assures you of a long-lasting and durable roof.
Routine inspections go a long way in extending the life of your asphalt shingle roof. This practice enables professionals to detect and address problems before they turn into major issues.
Roof Color
A darker roof color absorbs more heat than a lighter one. This means that dark-colored shingles may shorten your roof’s lifespan as they fast-track the loss of volatiles and encourage thermal cycling. Hence, the color you choose for your roof matters as it contributes to how fast or slow its deterioration will be.
Roof Ventilation
If your attic is poorly ventilated, it can become too hot. The excess heat can travel to your asphalt shingles and even your living spaces. Sweltering temperatures can result in more frequent thermal cycling.
Does your roof need a routine inspection or storm damage restoration? Do not hesitate to call AQ Roofing LLC, a family-owned roofing contractor with the experience and dedication to meet your project needs. Give us a call at (501) 951-1683, or reach us through our online form to request an estimate.