Shingle blow-offs occur when high winds or other extreme weather conditions cause your roofing shingles to loosen and lift off the roof. This can be a dangerous situation for the residents, and it can cause serious damage to your property. The good news is that there are steps you can take to address this issue and protect yourself from further harm or damage. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to deal with shingle blow-offs in Sherwood, AR, so that you can keep your home safe and secure.

Inspect the Roof
The first step in dealing with a potential shingle blow-off situation is inspecting the entire surface of your roof for any damaged or missing shingles. Make sure that all areas of the roof have been thoroughly inspected. Even if only one corner has been affected by wind gusts, other areas nearby may have also been vulnerable. It’s important to note down any discrepancies found during the inspection so they can easily be addressed later on by professional roofing contractors.
Inspect the Interior
Aside from inspecting the exterior of your roof, it’s also important to check inside, especially if you have blown-off shingles. Water or moisture could have gotten under your roofing material and may cause the growth of mold and mildew, and other structural problems.
Repair the Damage
Once you’ve found the damage, it’s important to let a professional handle the repairs immediately. Make sure that they’re using adhesives specifically designed for tough outdoor conditions in addition to the nails/screws to ensure that your shingles stay in place. Also, ensure that proper ventilation is available in those repaired areas so that no moisture accumulates in vulnerable areas.
Clean Up the Debris
Once all repairs and replacements have been completed, cleaning up any debris left behind should be next. Be sure to collect any nails/screws lying around and dispose of them safely so they don’t cause harm or damage later on.
If you have experienced shingle blow-offs in Sherwood, AR, or if you are concerned about the potential for such an event to occur, it is important to take steps to address the issue as soon as possible. AQ Roofing LLC can provide the necessary repairs and replacements to your residential roofing or commercial roofing. Send us a message or give us a call at (501) 951-1683 for a free consultation!