One of the worst things that can happen to a homeowner is seeing a tree come crashing down on the roofing system. However, as scary of a thought as it is, it is something that all homeowners should prepare for – just in case. In some areas, it can be a common occurrence, especially if it’s a hurricane-prone area that has a lot of high winds. Here are the things you can do in case a tree collapses on your roofing system.

- Look Out for Broken Power Lines
There’s a high chance that the trees have brought down power lines, transformers and electrical equipment along with them. If you see this issue, call your local electricity provider to cut the power in your area, and don’t come into contact with it.
- Check if Anyone Is Injured
Before you check your roof or your home’s condition for any signs of damage, try to see if anyone within your area is injured. If you see someone injured, call for paramedics immediately.
- Assess and Document the Damage
Your roofing contractor will tell you that you should stay away from the damaged parts of your home when you’re trying to take photos or videos of the damage. Call your insurance provider immediately to seek coverage for the damage incurred. Once done, an adjuster will come to your home and assist you with your claim. Make sure that you take photos of the damaged areas like the fallen tree, a hole in the roof and other parts of your exterior that have been damaged.
- Call a Local Roofer
Don’t try to remove the tree on your own since you could get hurt, and you aren’t certain of your roof’s condition. Call on your local roofer immediately to seek assistance on this matter. It’s more convenient to work with local roofers since they can reach your area immediately.
If you’re looking for a residential and commercial roofing contractor who excels in quality and customer service, trust in AQ Roofing LLC! We take pride in what we do, and we put our passion into our work. We are the top roofer in Sherwood, AR. Rest assured that all of our services will protect your home’s energy efficiency and structural integrity. Call us at (501) 214-7167, or fill out our contact form to request an estimate.